Romans 1:20 says, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature” (NLT).

This morning, I sipped my morning coffee and read this verse in my reading room. I felt the sun beaming down through the window onto my face and pondered the above truth.

I have lived in many places– New York, South Dakota, Illinois, North Carolina, and Colorado. Although the scenery may appear different in each state, there has always been something immaculate about the views. Whether it be Lake Michigan, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, or  colorful sunsets, they all felt so divine.

And that is because they are.

I can say that I have almost always appreciated the beauty around me, but I would be lying if I said I always connected the images to God’s character, His invisible qualities.

Today, I challenge myself (and you) to see the world and to then consider what those sights reflect about our God.

When I see mountains, I realize how big God is. I realize I small I am. I learn that God truly is a protector, and that He holds us in His hands. 


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When I see large bodies of water, I realize how pure God is. I remember that Jesus lived a perfect, flawless life and then died for us so that God can see us as pure, though we are far from it.


When I see sunsets, I realize how intricate God is. I see each color and formation, and I know that if God can create something so beautiful in the sky, He can definitely create something beautiful out of me.


When you look out your window, when you go on a walk, when you explore the outdoors, what do you see? Do you see God’s invisible qualities and divine nature?

I challenge you to find them and embrace them.